Year 5

Y5 Football game against Pentland Primary
Y5 DT project was to design and build a humane animal trap – we had fun constructing these.
Y5AK have been working hard this week preparing for Remembrance!
Congratulations to 2 very fit Y5 children for completing the final round of the Tees Valley Cross Country competition.
Today is World Mental Health Day – over the past week, children around school have been taking part in mindful breathing and yoga exercises through stories. Here are some of the fabulous Y5 children joining in!
Y5 have loved reading our non-fiction text and finding out lots of hilarious facts. Ask your child which ones they can remember!
Y5 used the sticks that they collected from the forest classroom to create some cave paintings. 
The children worked hard, to see how different sized sticks created different effects on their paintings. 

Y5 explored the forest classroom to find natural resources to create tree decorations. We had lots of fun painting and assembling them and can’t wait to hang them outside!