Mrs Connor and Mrs Scoby are the subject leaders for English.
We teach writing because:
Writing is important as it is a key method of communication and one of the main ways we will be judged in life – job applications, letters etc…
Writing is important as almost all jobs contain some element of writing we need to be good writers to prepare us for the world of work.
Writing makes our thoughts visible to others.
Writing can be used for a variety of purposes – to entertain, inform, describe and persuade.
It is our intent that children who attend Saint Mark’s have access to a high quality English curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. English compromises of: Reading, Writing and SPG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). Children at St Mark’s understand that English is a core subject and is taught daily. Where possible, English is linked to our theme for the term and SPG is taught alongside the genre the children are learning. Children enjoy using their knowledge they gain from theme lessons in their English lessons.
English is taught daily and pupils are supported to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Having a clear audience and purpose for writing is important. Children are given real purposes for writing which inspires and enthuses them. Discussion is important in order to learn. Pupils are taught to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas. We have very confident and articulate children at St Mark’s due to this.
Key Documents
Rationale for the teaching of English at St.Mark’s
English MTP Spring 1 2023
English MTP Autumn 2 2022
English MTP Autumn 1 2022
Non-negotiables for writing
Year group expectations punctuation at a glance