How to find us

St Mark’s Close
Bishopton Road West
TS19 7HA

Telephone Number: 01642 580774

Headteacher: Mrs S. Rand
Nursery:  Mrs D Mason, Mrs L. Worral and Mrs H. Edinbro (Enquiries via the school office)
SENDCo:  Mrs E. Wilson and Mrs C. Cooper (Enquiries via the school office)
Parent Support Advisor:  Mrs P. Thornton (Enquiries via the school office)

Mrs S Mandiville, our School Admin Manager or Miss M Robinson, Mrs R Chapman and Mrs L Grafton, our School Admin Assistants will answer any of your queries.

Office opening hours are 8.00am – 4.30pm.

Chair of Governors

Mrs Debbie Carr

Our school is part of One Excellence Multi Academy Trust

CEO: Lindsey Vollans

One Excellence Trust, Pentland Primary School, Pentland Avenue, TS23 2RF

Tel: 01642 559609
Company Number: 10817580