Our School Uniform

We have been considering both the impact of the pandemic on the health (physical and mental) of our pupils as well as the financial implications of our uniform. We would like to incorporate more PE into the daily lives of our children and for at least a period of time try to support our families by slimming down the uniform and the cost of what children need for school. By moving to an ‘active uniform’ there will be no need to buy shoes for school, which we are aware seem to be particularly expensive, or school skirts / trousers in addition to PE kit. Alongside this, we know that children are playing differently in school as a result of OPAL (outdoor play and learning) which we have begun this year and that the following items of clothing are probably easier to wash etc.

The Active Uniform is compulsory for all children including Nursery.

From September 2022, we will be asking all children to come to school each day in our Active Uniform which consists of:

  • Purple jumper or cardigan (with or without the logo on)
  • Purple hoodie
  • White or purple polo shirt (with or without the logo on)
  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms (with or without the logo on but no stripes etc)
  • Trainers all black/black with white sole (no coloured logo)


Swimming Kit

  • Trunks (NOT swimming ‘shorts’) / swimming costume (one piece)
  • Towel
  • Swimming hat
  • Goggles (if needed)

School Uniform Policy