Y3 had a great time for Forest School on Friday. They painted, created leaf collages and made lanterns
Reception have been making their very own Stick Man in the forest this week. We had lots of fun!
Year 5 had a great time solving riddles!
Y4MW had a great time in the forest classroom looking for sticks and leaves. We used these to help with our understanding of fractions and finding fractions of a number.
Y4NJ explored the forest classroom to find natural resources to create tree decorations. We had lots of fun painting and assembling them and can’t wait to hang them outside!
Y4 explored the forest classroom hunting for 2D shapes. We worked with a partner to measure the perimeter of each shape.
Y2 Hanging their tree decorations
Y1 were enjoying the Forest classroom looking for different leaves, twigs and shapes
Year 1 children have been learning about different feelings we have. Today, Mrs Rutter and Miss Ruddock had a friend called Coco- when she gets shy or feels sad she turns invisible! The children made houses for Coco and by the end of the lesson she was so happy she came out and the children got to meet her
Reception have been in the forest classroom collecting different woodland items to make their tree decorations