Page 14 - St Mark's Church of England Primary School Prospectus 2019 to 2020
P. 14

St. Mark’s Church of England Primary School

                         St Mark’s Church of England Primary school 2020/2021 Admissions

                   The board of directors are the admissions authority for the schools in 1Excellence Multi
                   Academy  Trust  are  the  admissions  authority  for  the  school]    1Excellence  Multi
                   Academy Trust Board have made every effort to ensure that these arrangements comply
                   with the School Admissions Code 2014 and all relevant legislation, including that on
                   infant class sizes and equal opportunities. This arrangement follows consultation with
                   the Local Authority, all other schools in the area and all other Admission Authorities in
                   the area.

                   Admission arrangements to the Reception Year in September 2020
                   Parents  (see  Note  1)  wishing  to  apply  for  the  Reception  Year  in  September  must
                   complete the common application form provided by their home local authority (the
                   home LA).  This form much be completed even if your child attends our Early Years
                   Unit or other school nursery /pre-school setting.  The home LA is the LA in whose area
                   the parents live at the time of the application.  The form must be returned to that LA no
                   later  than  15  January.  Applications  received  after  this  date  will  normally  only  be
                   considered after all those received on or before the cut-off date.  Offers and refusals of
                   places will be posted by the home LA.

                   Over-subscription criteria
                   Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need or with an Education, Health
                   and Care (EHC) plan naming St Mark’s Church of England Primary School will always
                   be offered places.  If there is then greater demand for admission than there are places
                   available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below:

                          1      Looked-after  children  and  children  who  were  previously  looked
                                 after, but ceased to be so because, immediately after being looked after,
                                 they  became  subject  to  an  adoption,  child  arrangements  or  special
                                 guardianship order.  (See Note 2)

                          2      Children previously in state care outside of England.  This refers to
                                 children who were previously in state care outside of England, and have
                                 ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. (see Note 3)

                          3      Children who have exceptional medical or social needs that make it
                                 essential that their child attends St Mark’s Church of England primary
                                 School rather than any other.  These needs must be fully supported by
                                 written evidence from the appropriate professional person involved with
                                 the family.  (See Note 3)

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