Page 5 - St Mark's Church of England Primary School Prospectus 2019 to 2020
P. 5

St. Mark’s Church of England Primary School


 Welcome to Our School

 The Aims of the School
 How you can contact us
 School Hours
 The Organisation of the School
 The Curriculum
 Extra-curricular activities
 Worship and Religious Education
 Special Educational Needs
 Safeguarding Issues
 The School Council
 Behaviour in School
 Health and Illness
 Sick Child Protocol
 Medicine in School
 Appointments During School hours
 Contact Between home and School
 School Uniform
 School Meals; Breakfast Club; Healthy School Award
 What to do if your child is absent
 Attendance Policy Key Points
 Current information is to be found in appendices:
 Appendix 1:   The staff and governors of the school
 Appendix 2:   Current programme of extra-curricular activities
 Appendix 3:   Useful contacts
 Appendix 4:   Current costs
 Appendix 5:   Current homework requirement
 Appendix 6:   Dates for your diary
 Appendix 7:   Current school statistical data
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